Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Irony of Life,

Hi readers,

How is life treating you all??  I guess this pandemic thing is making life boring๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Ponder about this write up below๐Ÿ‘‡

The Irony of Life, 

.. So suddenly...

New york,
The city that never sleeps is now asleep..all quiet.

Center of Romance'! now lives in echos.

The eternal City is deserted.

Is out of magic

is caged in silence,
The queen speaks to her people from a closet!


Is empty"
Nobody to stone the devil

The Chinese wall!
is no longer a fortress

The Gb Nations
Are speechless

The developed World
Suddenly on its knee

Great Parks
are filled with unfilled spaces

The busiest places at present were hither to the most dreaded
Hospitals and cemeteries

The Famous football Leagues,
Fashion Shows,
Exoctic weddings
All lost to memory

Have run out of celebrations

Our titles status and privilege positions are stale

With all our beautiful citizenships, we cannot
step out of our houses!

With all our savings in gold and cash we can only buy food to eat
and toilet papers to take care of the waste

We usually went to watch animals in cages now animals roam our empty streets watching us in our cages.

With our expensive clothes and shoes
Our house clothes and pyjamas are the latest fashion.

Despite, all these oddities
The world still goes on,
the sun still shines,
the birds still sings

When this long night finally gets over and a new day sets in.....

it is vital that we do not forget the lessons of the long night

That the only essential is life.................


...Busy emptiness

Only God remains consistent

"Behold I stand at the door and knock,if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me"
Revelation 3:20

Give your life to Christ today... and you wont regret you decision....

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